
Gift voucher order

Your chosen gift voucher: Kolping, Fun & Leisure

Valid: for one year after the order

1. voucher:

Orderer's details:

Post details:

Equal to the orderer's details

Payment information:


I acknowledge the following personal data stored in the user account of Kolping Hotel Kft. (8394 Alsópáhok, Fő u. 120.) in the user database of https://kolping.hotel.hu/ will be handed over to OTP Mobil Ltd. and is trusted as data processor. The data transferred by the data controller are the following: surname, first name, country, telephone number, email address. The nature and purpose of the data processing activity performed by the data processor in the SimplePay Privacy Policy can be found at the following link: https://simplepay.hu/adatkezelesi-tajekoztatok/

Provide your bank card details exclusively on OTP Mobil Kft.’s page. After pressing the “Finalise booking" button you will be redirected to the payment page of OTP Mobil Kft.!

